Find Good In Every Day

One mom's attempt at finding good in every day of this chaotic world.

Mom Challenge – Day 30 January 7, 2013

Filed under: Daily Blog — Robin @ findgoodineveryday @ 7:51 pm

30 Day Mom Challenge

Day 30

Today’s focus: love.

I made it!  I actually made it to 30!  Despite the little holiday break, I have continued my plan of challenging myself – not only as a mom, but as a blogger.

Today’s focus was love.  Like I  mentioned before, it was supposed to be a lay-up.  It stinks, though, when life gets in the way.  We woke up this morning to a broken refrigerator.  We didn’t know that at first, but we noticed our freezer contents were certainly not frozen.  Later, we realized the fridge part was not working that well, and even after hours of the freezer temperature turned up, nothing changed.  Oy!  Needless to say, cleaning out a freezer of melted ice cream and popsicles and spoiled meat is not the way anyone wants to start a Monday.  Thankfully I have a husband who always helps me move past the stress.  He can always make me laugh.  And he got me back to my focus through his LOVE.

After a busy day of work, I got to come home to Cooper and my mom playing together.  It’s always hit or miss with Cooper these days.  As he gets older, he definitely has opinions about whether he will give you some love.  Today was a hit, though.  He tackled me with hugs and kisses.  Thank you, Cooper, for your LOVE.

My mom has been visiting for the weekend, and I felt bad leaving her this morning when I had to go to work.  I wish I could have played hooky and hung out instead – just the two of us.  But instead, my mom used the time alone to clean our house.  Dusted, vacuumed, cleaned floors and bathrooms…  It is so appreciated, and I am grateful for her LOVE (her love of cleaning and me!)

Mason always love to go to school.  She is often in such a rush to get out of school in the morning and to the bus stop, that I don’t always get the chance to hug her and kiss her goodbye.  Today was one of those days.  Between cleaning the freezer and getting everyone ready for school and work, it was quite a morning.  I was struggling with a Cooper issue, and Mason raced to the bus stop with Meema instead.  So I waited at the front door to wave as the bus drove by.  Thankfully I got my hugs and kisses when she came home.  While she can get a little overbearing with her love, I appreciate her being so forthcoming with it, as well.  Thank you, Mason, for giving me so much of your LOVE each and every day.

When I first read what the challenge would be today, I thought about how I would show the love I have for everyone.  But what today turned into was them showing me instead.  It was not what I expected, but it was definitely what I needed.  I have learned so much about myself and my kids the past 30 days.  Motherhood is a give and take.  It is definitely a lot of giving – as moms, we feel like we give and give and give.  But so many of the 30 challenges were about learning how to receive as well.  Mason and Cooper surprise me with their strength, their fun-loving attitude, and their unwavering love for me and their dad.  I am blessed to be their mom, and if I learned anything from these challenges, it would be to show my love more and also let the love in more.  I’m thankful for my life – my kids, my husband, my family!  I really couldn’t ask for more.


2 Responses to “Mom Challenge – Day 30”

  1. Great job, well-done, bravo!! You are a beautiful Mother and Friend.

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