Find Good In Every Day

One mom's attempt at finding good in every day of this chaotic world.

So This Is What It’s Like… September 27, 2014

Filed under: Daily Blog — Robin @ findgoodineveryday @ 4:48 pm

We have managed to put off lots of extracurricular activities for the kids over the years.  If they did take a tennis or swimming lesson or go to a soccer clinic, we would either get them in the same class or schedule them to be one right after the other.  The over under would be one afternoon or a weekend morning a week.  Easy to handle, right?  We would hear other parents talking about just being chauffeurs for their kids, taking them from activity to activity.  Not only did we not want to overload our kids, but we didn’t want to overload ourselves.

But now we get it.  Do we ever get it!  What’s sad is that Cooper is only doing one activity – soccer, and Mason is doing two – soccer and guitar.  (Oh! And did I mention I’m coaching Mason’s team?!  Ack!) But between those three activities, we have something every night of the workweek except for Friday.  I’m sure some of you are thinking, “Ok, that sounds totally normal.”  But for us, this is a lot.  Coming from almost nothing (especially over the last couple of years) to now something 4 nights a week…  Whew!

Guitar is right after school two afternoons a week.  And then soccer practices are from 6-pm two nights a week.  That’s prime dinner cooking time for me!  That’s prime slow down time for the kids.  But now – not so much.  So I’ve been struggling to still manage healthy family dinners (rather than feeding the kids before soccer), getting homework done in a reasonable time, keeping the house in order and getting the kids to bed before 9pm.  Once 9pm hits now, Jeremy and I plop on the couch, turn on the TV and basically zone out.   I especially have no energy left for conversation, laundry, house cleaning, or even dirty dishes!  (And those that know me know that I hate leaving dishes in the sink!)

So is this what it will be like until they go to college?  I’m guessing this is just the beginning, and that this is tame compared to what it will be in a few years.  Therefore I’ll enjoy this time while I can – just like I enjoyed the quiet of pre-extracurricular activities.  And if you don’t hear from me again for a little while – you’ll understand.





Final Summer Days September 10, 2014

Filed under: Daily Blog — Robin @ findgoodineveryday @ 9:37 pm

As the summer winded down, we still managed to get our fun in before school started (or really got under way at least!)  We all had a family trip down to the Mid-Atlantic to visit friends, family and attend a wedding.  It was great to take a whole week off and spend quality time together.  Not only did we get to see Nana and Papa for a few days, but we also visited old friends in the Baltimore/DC area.


Always good to see the Hucks. We sure miss living close to them!

And more fun with the Kolegos!

And more fun with the Kolegos!

While we love going back to Maryland and Virginia, it’s always hard to figure out who we’re going to try to see.  There is never enough time to see everyone, and there are a few families we wish we could see more.  So for anyone reading this thinking, “Why didn’t they come see us?” I apologize.  Hopefully on the next trip!

After the Maryland leg of the trip, we headed down to Charlottesville to get in some fun Pease time.  Between the pool, hiking, playing with Smudge, and watching American Ninja Warrior, there were plenty of memories made.

Our little fish!

Our little fish!

Mason and Cooper were showing us how good they would be with a dog.  The debate continues...

Mason and Cooper were showing us how good they would be with a dog. The debate continues…

Rhys loves playing "dog" just like Smudge!

Rhys loves playing “dog” just like Smudge!

The end of the week didn’t mean the end of family time, though.  It meant time for McKenzie and Scott’s wedding!  So up to Shepherdstown we went.  It was wonderful to be with our extended family, and we were so excited to welcome McKenzie into the family.

These boys had enough Shirley Temples to last awhile.

These boys had enough Shirley Temples to last awhile.

Looking good for the ceremony - all smiles!

Looking good for the ceremony – all smiles!

Such fun to dress up and go out as a family!  And it was a beautiful wedding on a beautiful night!

Such fun to dress up and go out as a family! And it was a beautiful wedding on a beautiful night!

Some had fun (Mason danced the night away) and some got a bit bored...

Some had fun (Mason danced the night away) and some got a bit bored…

Besides the wedding, we celebrated Meema’s birthday, picked yummy peaches and just hung out together.  I was so grateful for the extended time together, no matter how exhausted we were after a week of travel.  Jeremy and I headed home to Rhode Island that Sunday and left the kids there for Camp Meema, which was followed by Camp Pease, which was followed by Camp PapaNana.  They were gone for 2 weeks!  You already saw what Jeremy and I accomplished while they were gone.  We also managed to eat out at a few of our favorite restaurants and try out new ones with other couples.  By the end of the two weeks, though, we were ready to be reunited with Mason and Cooper and to finish up the final days of summer.