Find Good In Every Day

One mom's attempt at finding good in every day of this chaotic world.

New Resolve April 20, 2011

Filed under: Daily Blog — Robin @ findgoodineveryday @ 2:24 pm

We were without kids for a few days this week, and that was my motivation to get up and get moving on my new workout regime.  No more excuses!  It’s been over 3 weeks since the 10 Miler.  In that time, I was recovering, sick, and then just lazy.  But no more!

My new routine:

  • 20 minute run before Shred 2x a week
  • 4-6 mile run 1x a week

So far, I have Shredded twice this week with a run before one of them.  I’m sore, but I know I have to keep going through the pain.  That’s the only way to get through this.  The first two days were wonderful.  I felt so good knowing that I was getting it done.  The kids are back now, and while I am so glad to see them and play with them again, the morning routine is back to chaos rather than calm.

To get my inner calm this morning, I decided to try some yoga through the Wii Fit.  But it’s hard to calm down when the little Fit Mascot told me that in the 452 days since I was last on Wii Fit, I had gained 7.2 pounds!  Um, what?  I told myself that half of it was muscle to get me off the ledge and continue with the yoga.  But it was clear that things need to change for real this time.  Luckily Jeremy is resolved too.  He joined LA Boxing, and he’s eager to burn major calories.

So here we go!  New routines.  New commitments.  New resolve.

I’m participating in Nain’s Motivation Monday.  What’s motivating you this week?  Link up if you want to share!


2 Responses to “New Resolve”

  1. Alaina Says:

    Good for you! Keep it up! And thanks for participating! 🙂

  2. Jen Says:

    I totally need to get my resolve back as well! Tried to run last weekend, and it was pretty sad…

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